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What to Say to Someone Who Has Cancer

What to Say to Someone Who Has Cancer

It’s not easy to but it is crucial to show support. Critical illness and the uncertainty is the most difficult time in ones life. 


What to say when friends, family and loved-ones get diagnosed with cancer? You want to support them but finding the right words can be daunting. What do you say to someone that just found out that their life just turned upside down? 


 Say anything. Many people ignore patients and caregivers because they don’t know what to say. Just saying “Hello” or “I love you” is enough. 

Breast Cancer Care Package Ideas - How to Help Her Prepare

Breast Cancer Care Package Ideas - How to Help Her Prepare

Breast Cancer Care Package Ideas

How to Help Her Prepare

Sadly, one in eight women will develop breast cancer at some stage during their life. Yet despite this, few of us are prepared with plentiful ideas for a breast cancer get well basket. 

You want to give her more. Much more.If you could, you would take away those chills and soothe her stress. 

At Viva Kits, we’ve been by her side – someone we cared about, going through the toughest, scariest of times. We’d have liked a blog exactly like this one to be around when we were seeking out the perfect breast cancer chemo care package. So we decided to write about it. 

Here’s exactly how you can help… 

Soothe nausea/sickness and support oral health

There are many things chemo patients need, candy and typical foodstuffs aren’t among them. 

The reason is twofold – nausea and mouth blisters. 

Both of which are side-effects of chemo. 

For oral health, a switch from a toothbrush to a toothette (a softer alternative to brushing) can ensure that their more delicate mouth tissue isn’t irritated further. 

Another item worth packing is a pack of PUR Xylitol Peppermints. This can tackle bacteria while evening out the pH balance of the mouth, and can help out with ‘metal mouth’, which arrives shortly after chemo. 

As an added bonus peppermint is also proven to soothe an upset stomach. 

Speaking of which...Cloth elastic 'sea bands' are a natural, clinically proven,  aid for nausea. They work by applying pressure to the acupressure point. 

As a final fighter of sickness, you could also switch out chocolate treats in favor for oatmeal snacks (oatmeal is low scent, fast to prepare, easy to digest and a fantastic source of nutrition). 

Help her get some much-needed sleep

Your breast cancer care package will be a welcome gift among the shelf of flowers, but it may be even more appreciated if it helps her to rest up and recuperate. 

While at home, help her unwind with bath salts  

Epsom salts have been used by generation after generation for their ache- and pain-relieving qualities. 

And after her bath, a fluffy robe and a warm cup of calming chamomile organic tea will work wonders (while also acting as a mouth rinse for those pesky mouth sores).

Don't forget some practical sleeping aids like ear plugs and an eye mask.

A night light is recommended by cancer patients, it cuts the need to find light switches when nigh-time bathroom trips happen.

Something to do when she needs to sleep but is not sleepy - these are just simple ways to take the mind off worries and focus on something else that distracts and lets the mind relax and doze off. Non-Stressful, Non-countdown-type puzzles, games, crossword puzzles or a fun coloring book can become a great pathways to many more sleeps and naps.

Finally – help her take the fight to infections

Infections are a terrifying prospect when your immune system is down and out. 

Help protect her, with a pack of face masks for those who visit (a must-have for any breast cancer chemo care package). 

That way she’ll enjoy the company of others while taking a simple safety precaution.

Hand washing is crucial in avoiding infections. 

Hand sanitizer is handy when too tired to head to the bath to wash her hands. 

From experience, this happens a lot.

We hope our breast cancer care package ideas have gone some way to helping you find the perfect present.