"I will bring back your health and heal your injuries, says the Lord,"
- The Bible, Jeremiah 30:17a (NCV)
Whether Christian or Jewish, Muslim or Catholic, faith can provide strength, hope and peace for the person who is taking those many difficult steps through their chemo treatment.
Here are a collection of prayers mantras, psalms and duas to accompany the faithful before, during and after their chemo appointments.
"God gave us burdens, He also gave us shoulders".
- Yiddish Proverb
A new experience
Lord, my eternal relationship with You began from the moment I first believed. I don't need to work for it, and I don't need to hope it will come to pass someday. My life in You is a done deal. It is not based on my feelings, my struggles, or even this cancer. I have life only because I have You! In You, I live and move and have my very existence. Thank You for Your assurance that I am Your child and You will never leave or forsake me. Help me to comprehend what this new life in You actually means, through good times and bad, in health and in sickness.
Thank You, Lord, the Giver of Life!
Source: Beliefnet
Saint Peregrine
St. Peregrine, whom Holy Mother Church has declared Patron of those suffering from Cancer, I confidently turn to you for help in my present sickness. I beg your kind intercession. Ask God to relieve me of this sickness, if it be his Holy Will. Plead with the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Sorrows, whom you loved so tenderly and in union with whom you have suffered the pains of Cancer, that she may help me with her powerful prayers and loving consolation. But if it should be God's Holy Will that I bear this sickness, obtain for me courage and strength to accept these trails from the loving hand of God with patience and resignation, because he knows what is best for the salvation of my soul. St. Peregrine, be my friend and patron. Help me to imitate you in accepting suffering, and to unite myself with Jesus Crucified and the Mother of Sorrows, as you did. I offer my pains to God with all the love of my heart, for his glory and the salvation of souls, especially my own.
Source: Ourcattholicprayers
Capacity for Miracles
Heavenly Father, I come before you with a solemn heart and in need of your intercession. I pray that the cancer that has come into my life soon fades into a quick remission. I believe in your capacity for miracles, and ask for this on my behalf. As we grow older, I know we become closer to the day you accept us back into your kingdom. I ask that you delay that holy union if it be your will. In your name I pray, Amen.
Source: Praywithme
Little Seed
You have taught me that faith as small as a mustard seed can grow into an amazing tree.Today I give you my little seed of faith. I place it firmly in the ground of your word. I water it with truth. The warmth of your love will make it grow. Today I ask by faith that you would bring healing from this cancer. I place my trust in you. May this seed sow healing into every area where the tumour has emerged. May it grow into a strong work, redeeming and restoring with great strength and power.
Source: Connectusfund
Allahumma Azhibil bas, Rabbannas, Ishfi wa anta Shafi, La Shifa illa Shafaok. Shifaal La Yoghadiro saqama.
O Allah remove the hardship, O Lord of mankind, grant cure for You are the Healer. There is no cure but from You, a cure which leaves no illness behind.***
Allahumma Afini fi badni, afini fi qalbi wa afini fi basari (3 times).
O Allah cure my body, cure my heart and cure my eyesight from any illness (3 times).
Allahum-mashfi, Antash-Shafi, la shifa'a illa shifa'uka, shifaan la yughadiru saqaman
O Allah! cure You are the Great Curer. There is no cure but through You, which leaves behind no disease.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina muhammadin salatan tash-feenna wa sallim alayhi salaman yuw-da-wee-naa wa 'ala a-lihi wa sahbihi wa sallam (11 times minimum).
ALLAHU Ghaniyyun Wa Kaamilun (511 times) (ALLAH The Independent, The Perfect)
Source: Duasalawat
Source: yaallah
A psalm by David
I have placed my trust in Your kindness, my heart will rejoice in Your deliverance. I will sing to the Lord, for He has dealt kindly with me.
A psalm by David
"Watch over me, O God, for I have put my trust in You.
You, [my soul,] have said to God, "You are my Master; You are not obligated to benefit me." For the sake of the holy ones who lie in the earth, and for the mighty-all my desires are fulfilled in their merit."... "The Lord is my allotted portion and my share; You guide my destiny. Portions have fallen to me in pleasant places; indeed, a beautiful inheritance is mine. I bless the Lord Who has advised me; even in the nights my intellect admonishes me. I have set the Lord before me at all times; because He is at my right hand, I shall not falter. Therefore my heart rejoices and my soul exults; my flesh, too, rests secure. For You will not abandon my soul to the grave, You will not allow Your pious one to see purgatory. Make known to me the path of life, that I may be satiated with the joy of Your presence, with the bliss of Your right hand forever."
"Watch over me, O God, for I have put my trust in You. You, [my soul,] have said to God, "You are my Master; You are not obligated to benefit me." For the sake of the holy ones who lie in the earth, and for the mighty-all my desires are fulfilled in their merit. "May the One who blessed our ancestors -Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah -bless and heal the one who is ill:________________ son/daughter of ________________. May the Holy Blessed One overflow with compassion upon him/her, to restore him/her, to heal him/her, to strengthen him/her, to enliven him/her. The One will send him/her, speedily, a complete healing-healing of the soul and healing of the body-along with all the ill, among the people of Israel and all humankind, soon, speedily, without delay, and let us all say: Amen!
Source: myjewishlearning
Your Goodness
Just as the soft rains fill the streams,
pour into the rivers, and join together in the oceans,
so may the power of every moment of your goodness flow forth to awaken and heal all beings-those here now,
those gone before, those yet to come.
By the power of every moment of your goodness,
may your heart's wishes be soon fulfilled as completely shining as the bright full moon,
as magically as by a wish-fulfilling gem.
By the power of every moment of your goodness,
may all dangers be averted and all disease be gone.
May no obstacle come across your way.
May you enjoy fulfillment and long life.
For all in whose heart dwells respect, who follow the wisdom and compassion, of the Way,
may your life prosper in the four blessings of old age, beauty, happiness and strength.
Source: Found My Light
A new Experience
However much suffering there has been in our lives in the past and however much latent potency there is still in our lives to cause suffering in the future and however extensive the causes and conditions have been, are now, or can be in the future to produce suffering
I pray,
May it all be healed now
May it all be healed now
May it all be healed now
By sila, samadhi, and prajna, may it all be healed
By ethics, meditation, and wisdom, may it all be healed
By prayer and mantra, may it all be healed
By kindness and all the sources of virtue, may it all be healed.
Source: abuddhistlibrary
World Religions
Lau-Tzu's Peace Prayer
If there is to be peace in the world,There must be peace in the nations. If there is to be peace in the nations,There must be peace in the cities. If there is to be peace in the cities,There must be peace between neighbors.
If there is to be peace between neighbors, There must be peace in the home. If there is to be peace in the home,There must be peace in the heart. Amen
Source: Beliefnet
Non-specific faith
Healing Blessing…
Bless this day with healing, bless it with radiant sun energy, fill each cell of the body, bringing a flood of healthy energy to all the body, banishing illness & disease, as healing grows.
May the abundant powers of health flourish within, each day, may they expand & grow stronger, bringing the gifts of vitality, strength & well-being. Blessings flow now with ample energy & happiness.
Source: KindSpring
Maha - Rudra Mantra for Cancer Patients…
om tryambhakam yajamahe
sugandhim pushti-vardhanam
urvarukam-iva bandhanan
mrityor mukshiya maamritat
We salute and respect the Three-eyed Lord who is fragrant and who nourishes and nurtures all beings. As the ripened cucumber (with the intervention of the gardener) is freed from its stalk, we pray and request you to kindly move us away from the catch of death and firmly put us in the path of salvation.
Source: omyourself.com
A Mantra for Healing
Om Trayambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti VardhanamUrvarukam Iva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya MamritatI implore you, the Source of the cycle of birth, life and death, to free me from its bondage, make me fearless, and lead me to the absolute truth and bliss.
Source: Beliefnet.com
By Guru's Grace, my mind is attached to the Naam, the Name of the Lord. Asleep for so many incarnations, it is now awakened. I chant the Ambrosial Bani, the Glorious Praises of God. The Pure Teachings of the Perfect Guru have been revealed to me. Meditating in remembrance on God, I have found total peace. Within my home, and outside as well, there is peace and poise all around. I have recognized the One who created me. Showing His Mercy, God has blended me with Himself. Taking me by the arm, He has made me His Own. I continually chant and meditate on the Sermon of the Lord, Har, Har. Mantras, tantras, all-curing medicines and acts of atonement, are all in the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, the Support of the soul and the breath of life. I have obtained the true wealth of the Lord's Love. I have crossed over the treacherous world-ocean in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. Sit in peace, O Saints, with the family of friends. Earn the wealth of the Lord, which is beyond estimation. He alone obtains it, unto whom the Guru has bestowed it. O Nanak, no one shall go away empty-handed.
Source: Guru Arjan
The Maha Mrityunjaya
Lord Shiva Meditates
We worship Shiva - The Three-Eyed (tryambakam) Lord (yajamahe);
Who is fragrant (sugandhim) and nourishes (pushti) and grows (vardhanam) all beings.
As the ripened cucumber (urvarukamiva) is automatically liberated (bandhanaan) (by the intervention of the "farmer") from its bondage to the creeper when it fully ripens;
May He liberate us (mokshiya) from death (mrityor), for the sake of immortality (maamritaat).
We pray to Lord Shiva whose eyes are the Sun, Moon and Fire.
May He protect us from all disease, poverty and fear.
And bless us with prosperity, longevity and good health.
Source: blog.eaglespace.com