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Diet to Tackle Side-Effects During Chemo

Diet to Tackle Side-Effects During Chemo

Food can and should serve as a firm footing for your health during chemo treatment – feeding your body with the fuel and nutrition it needs as it undergoes its biggest challenge yet. But you should really understand, food offers so much more than simply powering your body as it does battle with chemo, because it also helps to alleviate or accommodate some of the many symptoms you may be facing.

How to Prepare for Chemo - The Countdown, Treatment, Aftermath and Recovery

How to Prepare for Chemo - The Countdown, Treatment, Aftermath and Recovery

Let’s be honest – you’re certainly feeling intimidated, you’re most likely terrified. You’ve got a thousand worries, a million questions. As you join the 206,200 new patients who experience cancer each year in Canada, here we remove the mystery, the misunderstandings and the myths that surround chemotherapy treatment.